Monday, 28 March 2011
There is nothing like a line of washing blowing in the Spring sunshine to lift a persons spirits. Perhaps thats just me and maybe I should get a hobby or two!!
Ellie loves a sunny day and never seems to mind the heat even at the height of Summer!
The little cottage on the right was the old washroom for the original three cottages that became our house. It still has the original stone walls and floors, also the old 'dolly tub' sink. I can't show you inside at the moment because it is home to lots of creepy crawly spiders who have taken up residence over the Winter! It must have been quite nice with all the women getting together on Monday mornings to do their laundry, I bet a lot of gossiping went on. Our cottage dates from the mid 17th Century (around 1645 ish) but there has been a residence on the site for much longer as we live so close to the village Church which dates from the early 14th century.
The cherry blossom is in 'all it's glory' at the moment, so pretty but so short-lived.
Desirable residence To Let, no takers yet but hopefully soon!
The Easter Bunny is getting ready for his big day!
Spring has definitely arrived here in Lincolnshire although the nights are still quite cold. Plenty of time for some snow though, it has happened in the past but keeping fingers crossed for more fine weather!
TTFN AnneMarie xxx
Like you, I love the sight of laundry blowing in the breeze! Your photos are wonderful and I enjoyed seeing the little washroom. We have gray skies and rain today. Thank you for sharing your sunshine with us!
Hello Annemarie...Thank you for the lovely photos. I enjoyed seeing them very much. Your yard is so pretty, too. What a great home you have. Thanks so much for sharing. Susan
Good afternoon Annemarie!
I remember as a child, not enjoying the clothes line at ALL. I would give anything to have one now...Just something about those fresh sheets that have been blowing in the wind...
I am quite impressed with the old washroom...I am sure that if those old walls could talk, we would get an ear full...
Love your home...
I love hanging laundry out but I'm afraid of
birds pooping on my laundry. I know--it's weird but...
Hello Annemarie, Greetings from MI, I found your blog today, so beautiful, love the old washroom..nothing like fresh laundry from a spring breeze, although it's still cold here, getting warmer though. You are blessed to have such fond memories of your parents, cherish them always. Hugs, Pam
Your clothes hanging on the line remind me of days at my Grandma's. I still can hear those sheets flapping on the line....
Looks like a wonderful place to live!!
Hello AnneMarie!
I love seeing laundry on the line fact I had a line full of clothes yesterday! It was approx 33C here in Kansas yesterday but unfortunately it was VERY windy and so we had to rush to get the clothes off the line before the storms rolled in. They were dry though so that was good. Tornado season is just starting here so it's the season for lots of storms. I LOVE your has such wonderful character. OH goodness ...a conservatory...I absolutely LOVE them. I'm afraid if we had a glass room like that here in Kansas that it would be riddled with holes from hail eventually. Your garden looks wonderful and your cherry tree is gorgeous. Love Ellie too...looks like she's enjoying the sunshine. I hope your day has been a wonderful one so far.
Maura :)
hi Annmarie, Love your cottage, so charming and picture perfect with the laundry blowing in the breeze. Love your photographs of Spring and your delightful Granddaughter. My little Grandson will soon be three, where does the time go..................
The French Hutch
I just loved visiting your home. I knew from the first picture that it was in England. I came here from there many years ago. The door was just like the one in my old bedroom there. Nostalgia. Sigh....also the whole walking on the wall thing. We all did that as kids. They don't have those sort of things where I am now in Michigan. Thanks for the memories
Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.
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