Monday, 17 March 2014



There aren't many days when my mind doesn't wander for a little while to the island where my heart belongs. Today, especially, I am thinking of Ireland and the two dear people that I left there.

My parents brought my three brothers over to England, seeking a better life for their family, two years before I was born. My brothers never let me forget that I was the only one of our family not born in Ireland, only in a jokey way, besides all this I have always felt that I am Irish and because of my parentage I am legally allowed to class myself as an Irish citizen!

Mum and Dad always wanted to return to live in Ireland but the arrival of Grandchildren and everyday life never gave them the opportunity to do so. Back in June 2003 my family and I suffered a devastating fire in our cottage which resulted in us having to move out for six months for our home to be put back together. Luckily we weren't home at the time, our lovely Lab/Retriever was in the cottage but was unhurt (thankfully).  My oldest brother had booked a holiday to Ireland with my Mum and Dad in the August, he then kindly asked me if I would like to go with them. It was such a wonderful time, seeing where they grew up, courted and their first homes together. Dad even at the age of 87 and not having lived in Limerick for so many years, knew every turn in the road!  It was like he had never been away!   I so enjoyed seeing them quickly relax into the life they knew and loved so much. For me this was such an amazing time, made all the more poignant in the fact that a year later, August 2004, we sadly lost them both.  This trip, I feel, was meant to be. Mum and Dad finally went home and I know are at peace in the land that they loved.

On a lighter note, we won the Six Nations, oh yeah!   Dad would love that!

Dad outside his old barracks in Ireland
TTFN Annemarie xxxx

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


I adore Autumn, the colours and the cosiness, the feeling that you have permission to curl up with a hot drink and watch a sappy movie (without the guilt!). We had wonderful Summer weather here in the UK which has given us an amazing array of Autumn colour. This Season seems so short compared to others, a few gusty days and all the leaves are gone, Winter is peeking just around the corner. 

This year I took part in my first ever Autumn Glow Blog Swap and how exciting it was. The swap was organised by Blueberry Heart  who paired me with the lovely Tracy at Mad About Bags. When the parcel arrived it felt like Christmas, lots of lovely gifts wrapped in Autumnal orange paper, exciting! Wow, I had reason to be excited as I opened each one I was amazed at such lovely gifts and how Tracy had really 'got me'!

What wonderful goodies but two things are missing! A yummy bar of milk chocolate which 'disappeared' the same evening during a marathon viewing of Breaking Bad! The other beautiful item.....

Tracy, I can't tell you much I love the French inspired L'Automne bunting, you are a very talented lady! Even better that it is reversible so I can use it all year long(and I will!). The fabric patterns and colours are a delight.

The cutest pumpkin in the patch. Beautifully made and will be a seasonal favourite forever.      

This gorgeous twit-twoo  looks so at home with his new friends, nobody dare sit/lean on him though, they are so frightened of me! Such a cutie, love him xxx

Indulgence time, I am saving these for when I have the house to myself. Might be sharing the nail polish with a certain little Granddaughter who loves sparkly things too!

Adorable Autumn buttons and just look at the little owls on that ribbon!  I am a magpie when it comes to buttons and ribbons, can't resist them....

I adore these gorgeous tassels they will soon be adorning the keys on my armoires, happy days

I feel very lucky to have been paired with Tracy, such wonderful gifts from a wonderful crafts person, I will treasure them always. 

                                                      IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!!

Monday, 5 August 2013


Hello, yes it's been a while...... I've been a bad blogger!
I can give lots of reasons, the main one being lack of va va voom due to an ongoing but not serious health problem. Slowly my mojo is coming back and I am eager to get back in the blogging saddle!

I would love to share some of the good times we have had as a family over the last few months, they have made all the horrible times a lot more bearable xxx 

Our Granddaughter, Soraya, turned 4 and we celebrated with a Cowgirl party complete with gorgeous little ponies!                                          

A lovely time was had by everyone!

A trip to Legoland, Windsor.....

Lego heaven for this little girl!
We spent two nights at the Legoland Hotel with our Granddaughter, staying in one of the Kingdom rooms. We had forgotten what energy 4 year olds have! We had a lovely time though, Papa ended up in a bunkbed whilst our Princess slept with me in the very regal big bed!

 A very proud day for our family. Our eldest son, Chris, received his Executive MBA from Emmanuel College, CambridgeThe ceremony was amazing, all in LatinSuch tradition dating back hundreds of years.Chris did exceptionally well, holding down a full time career and climbing the odd mountain now and then, as well as obtaining such an amazing degree. The sun also shone for us!
                                                                 Our boy!
                                                                Hallowed halls
                                                And the proof.........

May is a month of birthdays in our family and I certainly had a lovely one.

I was very spoilt indeed by my lovely family and friends

A lovely, restful holiday in Ireland

The view we woke up to every day. Lough Derg in Tipperary is so beautiful, I could never get tired of this view.

Beautiful sunsets

Gorgeous old churches. This one dates back to the 11th century and is still used for worship.

View from one of the many lovely restaurants we found.
No trip to Ireland would be complete for me without a trip to the Nicholas Mosse pottery shop, above is a piccie of the old mill at Bennetsbridge, Kilkenny. I could spend a fortune there, nearly did!
I am always sad to leave Ireland, leaving my Mum and Dad behind but I know I  will return soon.

Our baby girl turned 30!
She will always be my little girl!

A wonderful Mummy to her two little cutie pies but sometimes still a little girl!

30 stinks! 
(56 stinks even more)
We love you baby girl!

Our garden did get a little attention but not as much as usual...

we planted a few new rose bushes....

and the peonies were beautiful while they lasted.

Also managed to buy one or two new bits and bobs for the cottage.......

A pretty Spode dinner service bought at a local Charity shop, love it xx

Another gorgeous armoire to house my collection of Swarovski crystal bought for me by our eldest son, Chris, every year since he was 14. The pieces get larger every year as he climbs the career ladder and I wanted something special to show them in their true beauty. As with our other armoire it was painted and supplied by Lucretia at Village Chic. Love her furniture!

I have lots of reasons to be cheerful and grateful and I am thankful for them everyday.

This little rascal has given me lots of giggles and kisses, the best medicine of all!

Such fun, watching him grow.
I promise to be a better blogger from now on,




Monday, 21 January 2013


A French armoire has been my hearts desire for many years now, just ask any of my family, now my dream has come true....
Such beautiful carvings but not too ornate.
Beautiful paint finish in Annie Sloan Original paint, expertly applied by Lucretia at  who supplied the armoire. Gorgeous shop with some amazing French furniture and accessories, such a delight. They also delivered and erected the armoire with no fuss at all, amazing in such an awkward cottage like ours! I am so delighted with our purchase!
Gorgeous original details, a joy to see.

Shapely legs....

Such a beauty deserves a new chandelier to show her off!

Pretty little shelf to show off  my gorgeous new jug (the tall one), a Christmas present from my daughter, love it!  What a great start to the New Year! 

On a different note, I hope everyone is staying safe and warm in this cold, snowy weather in the UK. 

                                  View from front door today...brrrr!!